Oil Skimmer Application

Oil on water monitoring systems are a vital component of oil skimmer applications, helping to improve performance

Oil-on-water monitoring plays a critical role in enhancing the performance of oil skimmer applications. An oil skimmer is a device used to remove grease or other hydrocarbons from the water's surface, but it relies on the presence of oil to be effective. If the oil skimmer cannot detect the presence of oil on the water's surface, it may not be able to operate at its total capacity.

This is where oil-on-water monitoring systems, like Leakwise, come into play. These systems use advanced sensor technology to detect the presence of oil on the water's surface, providing real-time feedback to the oil skimmer. With this information, the oil skimmer can adjust its operation to remove the maximum amount of oil possible.


Leakwise ID223

Sensor for wet sumps

Floating sensor for monitoring thickness of hydrocarbons & organic solvents in wet sumps.

  • Oil Monitoring Range
    D-225/100: 1 – 100 mm (0.04 – 4.0 in)
    ID-225/200: 1 – 200 mm (0.04 – 8.0 in)
  • Water Level Variation
    Minimum: 30 cm (~12 in) above well/tank/sump bottom.

Leakwise ID 225

Fusce ut velit laoreet, tempus arcu eu, molestie tortor. Nam vel justo cursus, faucibus lorem.

Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies. Curabitur et ligula. Ut molestie a, ultricies porta urna.

  • Suspendisse a molestie
  • Quisque lorem tortor
Oil Skimmer Application
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